At least 1 out of 3 students end up taking wrong subjects,
Avoid the mistakes now with Brainwonders Aptitude Test!
The Brainwonders Career Counselling is a unique and exclusive experience by itself- with complete focus on helping the students gain clarity and focus to realise their goals in an effective manner.
It helps in knowing the suitable careers and the path to follow to achieve the same. The Brainwonders Counselling expert includes a diverse panel of psychologists and career counsellors having rich experience in career guidance and career planning to ensure that you truly set and achieve the careers you are suited for.
Thus, the Brainwonders Career Counselling helps you understand your strengths and talents to set achievable goals which translate into highly valuable skill sets. The career counsellors thoroughly explain to you everything you need to take care of, builds supportive parenting and assures you a stress-free way to success.
Worth ₹ 2000
Worth ₹ 1200
Career test
Everyone- irrespective of their age or status wants to progress and move to higher goals. This is where exploring one's abilities with respect to career options helps, helping one align and progress in suitable careers. Thus, with the career test you:
12 Monthly Webinars
Want to reap the benefits of the information but don’t know who to ask? Tune in for regular webinars by the top counsellors and industry experts with the Ultimate Career Planner and get insider tips to accelerate your career journey. Let the professionals guide you with
An aptitude test is divided into a number of subtests; where the literary skills, spatial visualization, leadership skills, Scientific skills are a few categories which the test is designed. The test may vary as per field to be tested for each individual and purpose of taking the test.